Shirean's chemo diary

Shirean and Les
Shirean and Les at the reunion

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 2, 2004 6:05:47 PM PST

Subject: Chemo #1, Dec.2, 2004

Hi Friends and Family,

I've just updated my "total" list, so, briefly, for those of you not previously in my "loop.” I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common type of breast cancer, stage 2, not as good as 1 but lots better than 4, on Sept. 29, 2004. Had a simple, (who says simple?) total mastectomy on Oct. 20, and had my first chemo today. Questions? Write to me.

Today was a day I was dreading. I try not to do "worry,” but there was some fear. A friend told me that worry was wasted mental activity, but that fear was physiological and couldn't be helped. I like that.

Anyway, we drove to the doctor’s office in Redding, about an hour away. I was settled into a comfy leather recliner (there were 6 chairs in the room and only 2 other patients.) Les was with me, and has been through it all, beginning with Sept. 9th annual physical when the first lump was found. Betsy, the nurse, was so good at inserting the IV needle, I wasn't sure she had done it!

Les stayed a while, then went for a walk. I read, watched a little TV and chatted with the other patients. After about 2 hours we were done, and I felt, and feel, just fine. There may be a cumulative effect??, but for now things are good, even great.

We went to our favorite seafood place for fish and chips, then I was treated to a pedicure and manicure. We then went to the new Sundial Bridge in Redding, actually featured in September Sunset Magazine, walked across the bridge and along the river walk along the Sacramento River for almost an hour. We drove home, I fixed dinner and here I am.

Did I write another time, that I will be going weekly for 24 weeks? Beginning next week, I'll have to have blood drawn at least 2 hours before my chemo so they can check my white count. I may elect to have an IV port, so I'll only get stuck once a week for 24 weeks, rather than twice.

Love and thankfulness to you all, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 4, 2004 7:33:41 PM PST
Subject: Feeling the chemo

Thursday and Friday I felt like, "Chemo?  Yeah right!"  Today, is, "Oh yes, I am having chemo."  I woke at about 9 and thought I would go down to fix breakfast.  After using the bathroom, I said, "No, not fixing breakfast" and slept until 12:45. 

I did manage a 15 minute walk, and will try to go out again with dogs and a flashlight, to try to maintain my minimum 30 minutes/day walk.  I don't feel sick at all, just really tired.  One treatment down and 23 to go! 

Love, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 10, 2004 10:22:01 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #2

Just a quick note...#2 went fine. The day included a massage, out to lunch, chemo, then fresh flowers on the way home. Guess I'm not spoiled.

Today I went to a retirement luncheon. After lunch another of the guests and I walked for 40 minutes. It was great. Steamed fish, rice and salad for dinner. A little clean up and I'm ready for bed. If the pattern follows, I will have zippo energy tomorrow and will sleep most of the day. Then again, I may surprise myself. Will keep you posted.

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. Those prayers are working. Friends at the luncheon couldn't believe how well I look...did I say I've lost about 10 pounds? My pants fit much nicer.

Love to you all, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 17, 2004 10:42:19 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #3

Greetings All,

Am I giving you more info than you want? Just let me know, and I'll take you off the list if you like. I've been printing out a copy for myself to keep as sort of a journal.

December 16 found me at Shasta Regional Medical Center in Redding at 9 a.m. The plan was to surgically implant a port, so that from now on, my chemo goes in and blood is taken out (weekly to check the white count), That eliminates two sticks each week! Well, speaking of being stuck...the first nurse tried 3 times to get a line in for the IV, nurse #2 gave it one try, and finally nurse #3 got it in no sweat. She told me she had the reputation of being able to find a vein in a rock! That was 5 pokes. Then, there was another stick to take blood.

Finally, at 11:20 I was taken into surgery. They gave me some stuff to put me into lala land...I could hear what was going on, but was basically out of it. A port about the size of a quarter I think, is just under the skin right below my collarbone on the right. There is about a 3" catheter to a vein under the collarbone. Right now the incisions itch/hurt, and wow, am I bruised! Surgery was about an hour. They took me back to recovery where Les was waiting.

After about 10 minutes they had me sit up, gave me a turkey sandwich, I got dressed and off to chemo we went. This week there were no other patients in the chemo room. Since Betsy (the chemo nurse) didn't have to find a vein for the IV I was done in an hour and a half instead of 2 hours...and no more pokes!!!

Because of the early hour at the hospital, and rearranging schedules, I had my HOUR massage on Wednesday It was divine, and definitely much more than twice as good as the half hour from last week.

After chemo we went to Dunsmuir to stay with my parents. On the way home today we did a few errands and my fresh flowers of the week are 2 lovely poinsettia plants.

Guess that catches you up. I'm fine...a little tired, but did get in 30 minutes of walking both yesterday and today.

Please keep those prayers coming. Because of them I'm doing so well.

Love and joy to you all, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 25, 2004 8:46:03 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #4

Merry Christmas,

We got home a couple of hours ago, and I, of course, had to check my emails, so may as well get to writing.

You may remember that last week I had a port implanted...I thought for drawing blood and receiving chemo...WRONG. It's great for the chemo, but if I want them to draw the blood through it, I have to have a permanent needle taped to my chest = no massages, so, I get poked once a week for the blood draw and get the chemo thru the port. Not too bad.

The massage was wonderful, and while I was getting that, Les went to get fuel and flowers...a Christmasy bunch including cedar and a pine cone. Very pretty.

Back to the chemo; I talked with the doctor for the first time since the chemo started. He's pleased with my regular walking and with the weight loss. I asked about my feeling so well. He said no one had complained about that before! (I wasn't complaining)

He is the only Dr. in Redding who uses the smaller doses every week as opposed to big time every three weeks. Says he's done it this way for 5 years and the chemo seems to do as good as or better than the other way, and the patients don't have as much distress. I still have my hair, but the chemo nurse assured me it would go soon. I see the Dr. again on 1-13-05

My adorable husband decided he needed to show his compatibility with me, so on Saturday he shaved his mustache and goatee and his head. What a character! Of course, bald is beautiful. :O) but I miss the facial hair. He's going to stay "clean" until the first, and then grow it back at my request.

So, the count is 4 down and 20 more to go. Does that equal 1/6th finished?

 Keep in touch. Hope your Christmas was wonderful.

Love, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: December 30, 2004 10:09:11 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #5

Here we go again...I had such a lovely massage for an hour before lunch, then to the path lab for a blood draw (I'm an old pro at this now, right?)

We went to a Chinese Buffet for lunch. I was in the mood for Chinese. It was OK but not great. I've gotten suggestions for different Chinese when I'm in that mood again.

Then...Les dropped me off at the dr. for my chemo, and left to work on the ever present rentals. Someday they are going to make us rich, right? We have had others pay off mortgages for us and not paid a bunch of taxes in the process, so don't complain, Shirean.

He returned just as I was putting on my jacket; perfect timing. We went to Costco to get stuff and my FRESH FLOWERS. Oh, how spoiled I am!

On the way home we stopped at Walgreens to take advantage of 75% off Christmas stuff. I saved Les over $70 and only spent $39+. Does that come out right? Think so, 'cause there's sales tax plus a magazine he wanted that was reg. price. Anyway, it was fun. I DO love a bargain!

Came home and fixed soup and sandwiches. It was another good day. Thank all for caring and praying.

Love, Shirean

Date: January 7, 2005 5:00:29 PM PST
Subject:   Jan. 6

Greetings all,

Yesterday was scheduled to be Chemo #6, but it didn't happen. The extra detail is for my journal, so skim if it's more than you want to know.

I had blood drawn at about 10:40 then went to my massage at 11:15 for an hour. It was wonderful.

We went to Denny's and shared a Super Bird sandwich and fries and ordered an extra bowl of soup. Just enough food. Les has been working on a rental for several weeks now, and had been doing so during my massage. We were done with lunch early, so I suggested he drop me off near the dr.'s office and I would work on my walk, which I did for 20 minutes When I signed in at the doctor the chemo nurse, Betsy said, "Can we catch Les? No chemo today." I told her he was gone. Here's the scoop as to why no chemo:

My white count numbers were way down, as were the numbers for infection fighting. White count normal range is 4.0 - 10.5. Last week I was at 3.1, just below low normal and they were happy. Yesterday I was at 1.9. Not good. The neutrophils (infection fighting something) normal range is 1.8 - 7.8. Last week I was at 1.5. Yesterday I was at .6, also not good.

Soooo, I have to have 5 days of shots (yesterday thru Monday) of something called Neupogen, which makes my body produce white cells like crazy. The shots are self-administered, supposedly, but yesterday the nurse gave it to me and today Les did (I’m chicken to stab myself I guess)

To get the shot stuff, I chose to walk 20 minutes to the pharmacy/option care, get the hands-on how to, get the shot, and walk 20 minutes back to my chemo Dr.'s office, as Les was at an empty rental. Bottom line, I got 60 minutes of walking in, much of that on my cell phone talking to Stephanie. That helped.

On the way back to the chemo office, I had a minor melt down, but am fine. Need to have a good cry now and then. On Monday I go to Weaverville (30 minutes away not 60 minutes to Redding) to have blood drawn. I call the doctor in the afternoon to see if I need shots on Tuesday and Wednesday or if they did the job. EACH shot costs $220! The most I'll pay in 2005 will be $300 plus my $10 co-pay for office visits, thank heavens. I wrote a check for $220 yesterday, so I have 2/3rds of my costs for the year done in the first week!!! Possible side effects of Neupogen are pain in the thighs, buttocks and sternum, prime areas for white cell production. Betsy said if my chest hurt I wasn't having a heart attack. Take Advil. So far no pain.

Had a lovely bubble bath, lost lots more hair (I’m oh, so thin now, but still some there. Not quite ready for a buzz cut.) I'm taking a break from my treadmill walk. Have 35 minutes in and plan on 45 for today. 

We woke to a dusting of snow. It snowed off and on today, but there's not much here, but more due in the next 2-3 days.

Ryan and Rozzie are due for the weekend tomorrow morning. Hope they can get thru OK. Rozzie said, "We have a TRUCK (4 x 4) and chains. We'll be there!" We haven't been able to get their Christmas gifts to them, so I really want to see them.

Enough for now. I'm fine. The snow is lovely. You are dear and wonderful family and friends. Love to you all. Keep those prayers coming.


From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: January 14, 2005 3:13:21 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #6

Yeah! I'm one-fourth done, and half done with the really harsh stuff. Here's the journal entry for week 7, but just chemo #6.

Les dropped my off at my massage at 10:15. The treatment was the best yet. It definitely is a highlight of the day--actually, the week.

As pre-arranged, Stephanie and family came to Redding to meet us. She dropped Jay off to help Les, then she and the girls came to pick me up at the conclusion of the massage. We haven't seen each other since December23. We hugged, and hugged and hugged! She couldn't seem to hold on to Mom enough. It was wonderful.

Stephanie drove me to have blood drawn. Savannah and Laney were very interested and wanted to watch the blood draw. Grandma doesn't watch, but the girls were very interested. After all, they didn't get poked!

We then called the guys and all met at Burger King so the girls could enjoy playland.

Then it was off to Chemo. It was my day to see the doctor. He was very gracious about having 3 small girls as well as my daughter there. He chatted with us, said I was doing well. Savannah had fallen asleep in my arms. He listened to heart and lungs around her. Very sweet. They weighed my and my weight was the same as 3 weeks previously. Chemo tends to put weight on, so my walking is doing me well, and I was pleased to have maintained. :O)

Next step was down the hall to the chemo room. I have some topical stuff to put on my port to deaden it, so no lydacain (sp?) shot is necessary. Chemo was a breeze.

The girls napped in other recliners and Stephanie and I just got to chat. There was a big basket of hand knitted hats for chemo patients. Stephanie chose 2 for me, a white one and a variegated blue one. I'm sporting the blue one today. I started wearing hats full time last Saturday

Friends are coming over tonight for dinner and Tommi will buzz me. It's time.

After chemo we went birthday shopping for Savannah. She will be 6 on the 27th. We bought 2 new pairs of tennis shoes for school, pink Hello Kitty and some white with purple on them.

Then back to the rental where Jay and Les had just finished loading their tools. The Berkowitz family headed south, and we headed west. It was a good day. I feel just fine.

The Neupogen shots worked. The numbers were up on Monday then slightly down, but to an OK range, on Thursday This was expected and desired. They can then tell the ins. folks I need the shots. This week I am to have them Fri. Saturday and Sunday only. It's time for a shot, and you have enough to read.

I'm enjoying the emails you send. I love personal notes and funnies and pictures. Keep the prayers coming.
Love to all of you, Shirean

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: January 21, 2005 10:54:28 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #7

Here we are again. Chemo day #7, yesterday, began with the usual blood draw, then off to my wonderful massage. We were in town on Wednesday so bought my flowers then...2 dozen roses of mixed colors. So pretty!

After the massage, Les took me to lunch at a surprise place recommended by a friend, Cheesecake, Unlimited. We had wonderful salads, and then I had Almond Amaretto cheese cake, to die for. I ate only half, Les had one bite, and the rest was finished as dinner dessert.

It was then time to go to chemo. Les dropped me off and went to play golf at my insistence. With this port I have near my collar bone, chemo is no big deal. I read and talked to Stephanie on my cell phone, and before you knew it, I was out of there and met Les in the pharmacy. Timing was great.

As to the Neupogen shots, I had 5 the first round, was told to do three last week, and I'm doing 4 this week. Guess 5 shots were more than necessary and 3 didn't get the numbers up enough. Les is really good at them, so it's not a big deal, just one more poke and nuisance to contend with.

After chemo we went to Dunsmuir to visit my folks. After dinner Les went skiing while I played cards with the parents. This morning Les went skiing again (I may try to go next Friday night.) We left Dunsmuir around 11:30, ran a couple of errands, went to friends to visit and collect a load of oak firewood, then came home.

Five minutes after arriving home, Stephanie and the girls drove in. They were expected. Jay and his mom had business together so we get the girls.

Sunday night we'll go to Stephanie's house. Monday she and I will go prosthesis shopping. It's time to get "balanced" again. Brandon and Kim gave me a lovely, fine knit cashmere sweater for Christmas that I want to wear, so it's boob shopping we go!

The musical, "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" is coming to Redding next Thursday so after the "usual" Thursday activities, we'll go out to dinner and then to the play, then to Dunsmuir. We'll get there so late we'll stay until Saturday so I won't get my next update out until Saturday or Sunday Didn't want you to worry about me.

You're caught up with probably more than you wanted to know, but, hey, you're my wonderful friends, family, support group, all of the above, so you get it all. Saturday tends to be my worst day, so I'll just have to read stories to my granddaughters. How awful!

Love to you all, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: January 30, 2005 6:25:15 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #8

Can you believe it? With #8 finished, I am 1/3 the way through the whole thing. Yeehah! (How do you spell that?)

Last week we were to go to Stephanie's on Sunday but I was still too tired, so we waited until Monday, Got to Magalia around 3:00 in time to baby-sit the 2 older girls while Jay and Stephanie got fingerprinted for doing foster care. They then ran errands including adopting a 12 week old black lab mix who Savannah named Daisy (Savannah's 6th b-day gift). They then went to a class about state adoptions and fostering. Les and I had a grand time with Savannah and Laney.

Tuesday morning, Stephanie, Faylinn and I went to Paradise to get fitted for my prosthesis. A delightful lady, who has done such fittings for 12 years, set me up with my new breast and pretty bras. I've been satisfied with bulky sweatshirts up to now, but being set to wear nice sweaters, like the lovely cashmere one Brandon and Kim gave me for Christmas, is very nice. I was ready!

Tuesday afternoons Stephanie has organized a play group for some of her friends with kids when the park is too wet and cold. She wanted me to meet some of her friends, so we went to playgroup. It was fun, and I was delighted to meet 3 of the young women she has become friends with.

We spent the night, then came home on Wednesday Wednesday evening I played bridge with "the girls" and wore my new sweater and pranced with my restored figure. It was fun. At Stephanie's suggestion, I also took a fluorescent green punk wig, to model during a break. Got some good laughs with that one. Thanks to friends and Stephanie, I have several hats I like, so that's what I wear all the time now.

Thursday we took off for Redding. Blood draw, then massage, a quick sandwich from Safeway, an errand, then off to chemo. Seems 4 Neupogen shots is my number as my counts were OK with 4 shots the previous week. While I was having chemo, Les and a friend were working on the ever-present rentals, this time installing a new range hood. There is still some fence repair work to do on this one.

We went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Casa Ramos, then went to the Convention Center to see "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" as planned. It was wonderful. We had a great time. After the play, we drove to Dunsmuir. 

We were lazy on Friday, Les and I did walk to town and back in the rain. It was an hour and 20 min walk, so that was good for me. We had a late lunch, then went to Mt. Shasta Ski park and skied, ate at the lodge and then skied a bit more. There was a light snow falling most of the time, but it was perfect.

We came home to my parents, played bridge for an hour, then went to bed. I hadn't slept much the night before (which is usual for chemo night), so slept better after the exercise.

Saturday morning Les went skiing while I stayed in bed. Saturday and Sunday are my worst days. I have just no energy. When he got back, we had some lunch, did a few errands in Redding and got home about 5:30. As I did more on Saturday than I usually push myself to do, I was pretty tired today, but did manage a 15 min. walk with the dogs. The sun was shining, so I HAD to get out.

You're caught up for the week. I'm continuing to do well. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers.

Love to all of you, Shirean

From: "Shirean Duntsch" <>
Date: February 3, 2005 8:59:35 PM PST
Subject: Chemo #9

Greetings all,

This note will be short, to make up for lengthy last week. We did the usual...blood draw, wonderful massage, quick lunch at KFC (Stephanie gave us coupons :O)...) Saw the Dr. today. He liked my hat (one from Stephanie), said I was doing well, and he would talk to me in 3 weeks. Chemo went fine. Les picked me up and we went grocery shopping.

We came home, as opposed to going to Dunsmuir. My dad has a Dr. appt. on Tuesday and wants us to drive him, so we'll go up then, stay until time to go to chemo next week.

I got lectured because we didn't buy flowers! Tomorrow I meet Stephanie in Redding to go to "Look Good, Feel Better" class put on my the American Cancer Society. There is a licensed cosmetologist that shows us stuff, and gives us cosmetics donated by big companies. I'm all about free stuff. Should be fun. A friend is keeping the girls, so it will be just mom and daughter...out to lunch first. I'll buy flowers after our "date".

I'm feeling well, and Les thinks I'm lookin' good. The day was gorgeous but too busy, so treadmill, here I come. We plan to be home for the weekend. I get to play bridge on Monday :O) Keep me in your prayers. I'm doing so well because of them.

Love to all, Shirean