World Wide Web Development

PSU School of Extended Studies
Multimedia Professional Program

Instructor: Virginia Bruce

MM 624 – January-March 1999




Main Assignment: Website project

Students will choose a topic for a website they will work on throughout the term. They may choose either a real business, a subject in which they have a strong interest, or a topic from a list posted here.

Once they have chosen a topic to work on, they will identify a problem or problems in the situation description, and architect a website that will solve the problem. They will plan the site, design an interface, gather assets (text, graphics), and create sample pages from the site to demonstrate their understanding of web design and production principles. Pages do not have to have working features, but should indicate advanced interactivity where appropriate. Emphasis should be on interface design and planning.

Students will also work in class on exercises designed to introduce various tools and principles, e.g. using prepared files to create a GIF animation.

Students will be assigned a short research project on a topic to be chosen from a list on Class Five. They will use the web and their searching skills to discover instructions for accomplishing a web development task. They will make a web page with links for the purpose of presenting their research results.

"Extra Credit" Project: Work as a team to create a "Meta-site" to present and organize the other student sites. This will be incorporated into the permanent class site.


Assignments are due at the end of each class session. Time will be given in class to complete most assignments.

Class One
Thursday, January, 6:30 pm

Project: read and understand project assignment.

Class Two
Thursday, January 14, 6:30 pm

Project: Fill out Site Info Sheet, outlining topic, problems, and method to solve problems.

Class Three
Thursday, January 21, 6:30 pm

Project: Turn in site architecture on cards. Bring in one or two photos/graphics to process

Class Four
Thursday, January 28, 6:30 pm

Project: Turn in final asset list.

Class Five
Thursday, February 7, 6:30 pm

Project: Some pages uploaded to server

Class Six February 14, 6:30 pm

Project: Navigation scheme determined

Class Seven
Thursday, February 21, 6:30 pm

Research papers. Review site with instructor

Class Eight
Thursday, February 28, 6:30 pm

Marketing plan for website

Class Nine
Thursday, March 4, 6:30 pm

Complete work on websites

Class Ten
Thursday, March 11, 6:30 pm

Present Group projects and critique.

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