What is FTP?

What you need to do it

How to FTP

What is FTP?

FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol." A protocol is a language computers use to talk to one another. FTP is a protocol computers use to move a file from one computer to another over the Internet.

People also use the term "FTP" in a general sense as well. When someone says "I am going to FTP the file to the server" what they mean is that they are going to use a program that uses the File Transfer Protocol to get a file from their computer to a server.

Teleport has an FTP server, which is a computer connected to the Internet. It is there for users to transfer files to and from their web directories. If you have an account at Teleport, you can also have them create an ftp directory for you and you can post files there for others to download. For security reasons, people can't ftp files to you.

You will hear people talking about uploading and downloading -- putting something on a server is uploading, getting something off a server is downloading. Just pretend the server is in the sky! Now you know.

These directions are written for both Macintosh and PC users. The operations are the same on both platforms, but the software interface depends on which program you're using.


What you need to FTP

  • A computer with a modem and an internet connection

We recommend that you use a regular Internet Service Provider (ISP) rather than an online service like AOL, primarily because of speed but also because the AOL FTP software (which you must use) is apparently rather difficult to use. If you must use AOL, instructions for FTP can be found on the service.


  • FTP Software

For the Macintosh, we recommend "Fetch 3.0.1." This is shareware and is available to download at the following site. Please be sure to pay for any of the shareware we recommend if you like it and intend to continue to use it.


For the PC, we recommend "Cute FTP" (really!), also shareware which you can download from


Be sure to get the right one for your PC operating system.

How to FTP

In some cases, you may need to read the documentation of the software you have downloaded. The following information is fairly general, but FTP is FTP. and there are only a few variables (mostly in the names each software package gives to the same functions or features).

To send a file:

  1. Open your FTP software. Create a new connection. (Mac/Fetch: File --> New Connection - PC/CuteFTP: File --> Quick Connect) Enter the following information in the window. (Password*)




    and press "OK". This should take you to the main window of the pswebdev FTP directory at Teleport. To create a folder for your site, you can choose (Fetch) Directories--> Create New Directory which will let you choose a name for your folder. Double-clicking on that folder will open it.

  2. Now place your file into the folder that you have opened. (In Fetch, you may either drag the file from an open window on your desktop or click on "Put File" and locate it in the window.) Check your upload preferences:

    Mac: Set the Default non-text format to "Raw Data." HTML files should be saved as "Text."


    PC and Unix: Your FTP client software should be in text for HTML files. I'm not sure what the equivalent to "raw" is, if someone knows, let me know and I'll edit this.

For multiple files, in Fetch, choose from the menubar Remote --> Put Folders and Files, and then find the directory on your hard drive containing the files you want to upload. select each one and click add, click done when they are all there. Remember to create and change directories to match the site on your computer, otherwise your links won't work.

The uploading process can take a few minutes. (Fetch: run doggy run!) When the process is finished, confirm that the newly placed files are there. You're done.

Password: if you have forgotten our password, email me.