Stuart Bugg

Stu Bugg

Email address:

Birthdate:  9 Jan. 1947


Married?  divorced  Married years?    Married times?  

Children:   boy(s); 1 girl(s); grandkid(s)

Personal/family website?



Career/Job Title:  

No job:  retired

Company website:  

Hobbies:  sailing all summer. Participate in the Pensacola Opera all winter

Community:  Pensacola Yacht club and the Opera

How are you the same as you were at CHS?   still not as dumb as I look

How are you different? No longer a shy wallflower

What is your proudest accomplishment?  helped raise a fine daughter

Where do you live?  house in the suburbs

Parents:  Father: deceased,  Mother: deceased

What have you been up to for the last 50 years?

San Jose State for four years, degree in Chemistry Navy from 68-77 flew fighters in Nam then was flight instructor in Pensacola. Airline pilot from 77-07.


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