Cindi Smith Richardson

Cindi Smith

Email address:

Birthdate:  Dec. 4th


Married?  divorced  Married years?    Married times?  

Children:   boy(s); 1 girl(s); 1 grandkid(s)

Personal/family website?



Career/Job Title:  

No job:  retired

Company website:  

Hobbies:  Gardening, Sewing, Making jewelry

Community:  Volunteer at church

How are you the same as you were at CHS?   Still quirky

How are you different? Better at it

What is your proudest accomplishment?  Acceptance of others with plenty of forgiveness

Where do you live?  house in the suburbs

Parents:  Father: deceased,  Mother: deceased

What have you been up to for the last 50 years?

Self improvement takes time and effort. I retired last May in order to pursue more personal improvement (not counting Facebook). How'm I doin'?


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